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Important Guidelines

  1. One application will be accepted per applicant. Only completed applications will be considered.
  2. Applications can be submitted at any time up to the deadline through this link: (insert website link). The only information to submit is this application form, nothing else will be accepted. ALL applications are due by 5pm on Friday, March 10th, 2023. NO applications will be accepted after this time.
  3. Award notifications will be made by Friday, April 14th, by email. Twenty-five (25) grants will be awarded.  Please note, there will be another competition for summer grants.
  4. Projects can be implemented as early as Monday, April 24th,2023, but must complete no later than Sunday, June 11th, 2023.
  5. A virtual technical assistance session will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023, from 6pm-7pm. To attend this session virtually, send a request to and include “Request to Attend Virtual Session” in the subject line.  A link will be sent no later than one hour leading up to the session.  Attendance at the sessions is NOT mandatory to apply.  The sessions will be recorded and posted on the PLC website within 24 hours.


This Mini-Grant Application announces Progressive Life Center (PLC) in coordination with the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP) and the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) intention to invest in the community to provide supports and services. PLC seeks community members or organizations to propose innovative programming or activities to support reductions in gun violence for District of Columbia communities. PLC encourages applicants with unique proposal ideas that promote neighborhood enhancement and rehabilitation as we seek to expand supports and services provided to our communities.



Primary Contact Person(Required)
Please use an email that is checked regularly. If an applicant does not have an email address that is checked regularly, please provide the best possible contact phone number.
Primary Contact Mailing Address(Required)
Secondary Contact Person
Please use an email that is checked regularly. If an applicant does not have an email address that is checked regularly, please provide the best possible contact phone number.
Secondary Contact Mailing Address
Have you received a mini grant in the past?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Ward(s) where program will take place (list all)(Required)
Neighborhood(s) where project will take place (list all)(Required)
Date(s) of program (if multiple, list all)(Required)
Has a program/event space been secured?(Required)


Describe how your proposal aligns with the goals and objectives of this grant. If your proposal consists of separate/different events, please provide the requested information for each. Choose one or more categories that best describes your program:
Community Wealth
Skills Building; Leadership Development; Community Cohesion & Engagement; Providing support of basic needs
Community Revitalization
Community organizing activities; Neighborhood outreach; Providing activities in a safe space; Murals, block cleaning, community gardens
Community Healing
Community Responses to Violence Restorative Justice Supports; Direct intervention activities; Healing/Mental Health Wellness

A. Description

3. List three (3) goals for this program. What do you hope to accomplish?

B. Impact

C. Coordination and Planning

Demonstrate how you will implement the program.
3. Create a work plan and timeline of tasks needed to complete this program successfully.(Required)
Task (describe if necessary)
Completion Date
4. List your community partnerships for this program and their expected roles.(Required)
Expected Role

D. Budget

Item (Short Description)
Cost Per Item


1. How did you hear about this grant?(Required)

Congratulations, you have completed the application!

  • Application received after 5:00pm on March 10, 2023, will not be considered.
  • Please note submission of an application does not guarantee funding
  • All complete applications will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers.
  • Please send questions to (INSERT WEB LINK).  Questions will be accepted until 5pm on Thursday, March 2nd and posted on the PLC website by Friday, March 3rd. 
  • All awarded grantees MUST submit proof of expenditures totaling the amount awarded no later than Friday, June 16th, 2023.
  • All awarded grantees will participate in site visits coordinated by OGVP and should be prepared to respond to data requests in the form of surveys and post grant meetings.